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Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Lacto Fermented Ketchup E1716075980297

As most of you may know by now, just about everything on supermarket shelves have some form of high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, flavors, and chemical preservatives.  These ingredients are all GMO and we need to avoid them to maintain good health.

Ketchup is no different.  Most ketchup has high fructose corn syrup listed as an ingredient and the corn it is derived from is genetically modified.

To break away from this and to provide foods and condiments for your family that are free of these GMO ingredients, I am offering recipes to make your own condiments.

I’ve obtained this recipe for Homemade Lacto-Fermented Ketchup from the Nourishing Traditions Cookbook by Sally Fallon Morell.

I highly recommend this cookbook as it contains a plethora of recipes and very useful information.

Try this recipe.

Lacto-Fermented Ketchup is far more delicious and flavorful than store bought ketchup and contains “real” ingredients.  It provides probiotics, which are crucial for gut health as well.   Enjoy!!

Lacto Fermented Ketchup E1716075980297


2 cups tomato paste (preferably homemade)
1/4 cup raw honey (maple syrup or whole unrefined cane sugar)
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp fresh whey (or vegetable starter culture)* (divided)
2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar (plus extra for thinning the ketchup, if desired)
1 tsp unrefined sea salt
1 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp ground cloves

*For whey, you can use left over whey after you make yogurt.  Please check out my post on culturing your own yogurt.  Or, you can spoon out the whey from plain store bought yogurt and save it.  Having a supply of liquid whey on hand is essential for preparing many lacto-fermented probiotic rich foods.  No worries about storage, as it will keep in the refrigerator for 6 months.  Even longer in the freezer.


Spoon tomato paste into a large mixing bowl and fold in raw honey or other natural sweetener of choice.
Whisk in one-quarter cup fresh whey or vegetable starter culture into the sweetened tomato paste along with apple cider vinegar, sea salt, allspice and cloves.

Continue whisking these ingredients together until the paste is smooth and uniform.

Spoon the homemade ketchup into a mason jar, top with remaining two tablespoons fresh whey or vegetable starter culture, cover loosely with a cloth or lid and allow the ketchup to sit at room temperature, undisturbed, for three to five days.

After three to five days, uncover the homemade ketchup and give it a thorough stir before transferring to the refrigerator. Naturally fermented homemade ketchup will keep for several months in the refrigerator.

Buon appetit!!

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