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Let Food Be Thy Medicine

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If you are counting carbs and need to watch your glucose intake, then this Cauliflower garlic loaf is for you.  Cauliflower is used in many low carb dishes as a replacement for potatoes, rice, and other high carb foods.  In this recipe it’s used as a flavorful as well as nutritious addition.
Cauliflower contains antioxidants and is high in vitamins C and K.
It’s also high in fiber and as a cruciferous vegetable, it reduces the risk of free radicals that can cause cancer.
If you need to watch your blood glucose and need to cut carbs, there is no need to feel left out when other members of the family or friends are enjoying regular garlic bread.  This moist, flavorful and delicious cauliflower garlic loaf will satisfy every craving.
First we start off with 3 cups of riced cauliflower.
I really have no time to rice it myself, so I buy the frozen already riced cauliflower.
Either way, steam the cauliflower with a half cup water over the stove for about 4 minutes or until tender (frozen cauliflower may require a little bit more time).
Set aside and let it cool.



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In a large bowl, whisk together almond flour, baking powder, salt, egg yolks, melted butter, garlic and about a quarter of the whipped egg whites. Beat until well combined, then stir in the riced cauliflower. Fold in the remaining egg whites and mix until just incorporated. (Mixture should be fluffy.) Fold in the thyme and most of the parsley (save some for topping).

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Transfer batter to the lined loaf pan and sprinkle with more herbs.

Bake until the top is golden, about 45 to 50 minutes.

Let cool completely before slicing.

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Well, that’s it!  Hope you enjoy this flavorful garlic loaf.

Bon Appetit!

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